"Open space integration" 


The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund and from the state budget through the Euroregioin “Tatry” in the CBC Programme Poland –Slovak Republic 2007-2013

Project value: 31 288.64 €
European Regional Development Fund: 26 595.34 €
National co-financing from the state budget: € 3 128.86
Own contribution: € 1 564.44

The main aim of the project is to establish mutal aquaintences and contacts as well as gaining new skills for people with disabilities. In addition the project aims to increase the self-confidence and independence of disabled people through creative activities, joint preparation and the presentation of cross-cultural events. Finally the project will help in understanding the situation of disabled people in Poland and Slovakia.

The aim is to establish partnerships between Slovak and Polish cultural and social institutions, which will incorporate the integration process of overcoming barriers faced by disabled people. The aim is also to increase the level of public sensitivity concerning issues of integration through participation and assistance in the organizing of activities designed for people with disabilities.

Over 500 million people worldwide (10 percent of the population) suffer from various disabilities. In Poland in 1996, 5430.6 thousand people had disabilities (14.3% of the total population), about 1% of this number were people with intellectual disabilities. It seems obvious that disability is a
concern to the society of every country. It is, therefore, worth considering the situation of these people in Poland and Slovakia and trying to answer the following questions: Who are the people with disabilities? What problems and difficulties do they face on a daily basis? How does this relate to their society? How can these people actively participate in culture? Up untill now we have built the stereotypical perception of disabled people as weak and isolated.

Culture Therapy, along with medical, professional, social and psychological treatment is part of the rehabilitation of people with disabilities. This is carried out through participation in the wider cultural life of society. Culture Therapy implies not only the use of the cultural achievements of society, but also the co-creation. Culture Therapy incorporates art thearpy. Therapy through art can provide people with disabilities the means to meet, organize, express and understand their own emotions. It also provides a socially acceptable way to relieve excessive emotional tension, as well as personalising dominant moods. The essence of art therapy is a therapeutic effect (result) when undertaking the activity of creating something. The process of creating something can give disabled individuals a feeling of worthiness, this can often becomes a way of earning, which in turn makes people with disabilities actively participate in society. Art therapy will be the main method which will have an influence on the project participants.

The project envisaged the following actions:

• promotion and awareness about the project:
website, graphic design logo, folder, catalog of the exhibition, invitations, t-shirts promoting the project and highlighting the solidarity of the target groups, posters, banners, bulletin board;
• art therapy workshops decoupage technique
• art therapy workshops - sculpture
• art therapy workshops - painting
• dog therapy sessions
• field trips. regionalism educational activities
• art therapy workshops - photography
• art therapy workshops - Stop-motion animation
• art therapy classes - theatre
• the opening of an exhibition of work in Poland and Slovakia
• Other projects in Poland and Slovakia:

partnership meetings; participants have their own stalls displaying the work produced during the workshops at the Fair Podhalańskie; three folk artists from Slovakia to attend the Fair Podhalańskie

Duration of the project from May 2011 - November 2011

Project Coordinator: Thomas Szlaga

tel (18) 266 21 32

e-mail: tomasz_szlaga@mok.nowytarg.pl

partnerstwo dla współnego rozwoju Euroregion Tatry Miejski Ośrodek Kultury Unia Europejska Linki